The trails we all enjoy don’t maintain themselves. Someone has to pull weeds, dig trenches, paint blazes on trees, etc. You can help in one of several ways. Interested in volunteering your time? Contact the member listed below for more information.
Trail Maintenance

SATC is responsible for maintaining the footpath, side trails, a shelter, a privy, parking lots, and kiosks. Our Trail Master, Jeff Buehler, schedules regular work days (usually on a Saturday or Sunday) to complete needed projects. Some work is more physical than others, but most work can be done by anyone. There is overgrowth to be trimmed back, assist with removal of downed trees, erosion prevention, shelter/privy upkeep, and keeping our parking lots free of trash. If this work interests you, contact Jeff [email protected] to request to receive work trip informational emails. Also, look on the hiking/event schedule to see when future work trips have been scheduled.
Weed Warriors

When invasive species are introduced to a new landscape they can easily take over and destroy otherwise natural habitats. The Weed Warriors are a group of volunteers that organize work days to remove various invasive species. One of which is Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata). Garlic Mustard has invaded so many parts of the trail from Georgia to Maine, that there is a Garlic Mustard Challenge where clubs compete to remove this noxious plant. Luckily, due to the plants shallow roots the work is fairly fast. If interested in helping contact Nancy Kurtz, [email protected] The Garlic Mustard Challenge annually occurs in May!

SATC reaches out to the community in multiple ways. We publish our hiking schedule in local newspapers, and we attend local events with our SATC booth to provide outdoor/environmental education to attendees. Volunteers help "man" the booth. If this is something you may be interested in helping out with, contact Sally Brossman, [email protected]
Hike Leadership

SATC provides a quarterly schedule of group hikes that are led by our group of trained hike leaders. We rely on their dedication to plan, scout, and lead these hikes. The schedule offers a wide variety of hikes for our members and community members alike to take advantage of. If you would like to become one of our hike leaders, contact Cindy Radich, [email protected].

Our membership committee maintains our membership files and concentrates on promotion to garner new members as well as membership renewals . If you'd like to serve on this committee, contact Andrea Viazanko, [email protected]

Throughout the year, SATC hosts various activities that serve to bring our members together to socialize, eat and enjoy either a guest speaker or entertainment. We have an annual banquet in March, a Spring and Fall membership meeting, a summer picnic and a December Holiday Party. Our hospitality committee organizes the venue and food. If this is in your area of expertise and interest, contact Mark Press at [email protected], to join and contribute.

This committee maintains and updates communication to our membership and to the community. This includes SATC's web site, Facebook page, the Bushwack Bulletin (quarterly newsletter) and our weekly Trail Mail. If you like to work with technology and/or write/report/design newsletters, then contact Cindy Radich, [email protected]