When out hiking if you would encounter a problem on the trail, at a shelter or in a parking lot, with either damage, fire, trash, graffiti or with a person(s), please report this incident as soon as possible to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) and to the local club. If you encountered this incident/problem on the SATC’s section, please notify Jeff Buehler at [email protected].
Suspicious or illegal activity that does not require emergency response should be reported as soon as possible to local rangers or local law-enforcement. It also should be reported to ATC, which will share the information as appropriate with the NPS-A.T. Park Office and other agencies, law-enforcement officials, and Appalachian Trail clubs.
Appalachian Trail Incident Report Form can be saved to your computer, completed electronically and then e-mailed, or it can be printed, completed, and then faxed or mailed to the ATC. Incidents also may be reported by telephone to the ATC headquarters at 304-535-6331 during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. The ATC offices are closed on most federal holidays, on the day after Thanksgiving, and on December 24.
Where to submit completed incident forms:
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 304-535-2667
Mail: Incident, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, P.O. Box 807, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425
Suspicious or illegal activity that does not require emergency response should be reported as soon as possible to local rangers or local law-enforcement. It also should be reported to ATC, which will share the information as appropriate with the NPS-A.T. Park Office and other agencies, law-enforcement officials, and Appalachian Trail clubs.
Appalachian Trail Incident Report Form can be saved to your computer, completed electronically and then e-mailed, or it can be printed, completed, and then faxed or mailed to the ATC. Incidents also may be reported by telephone to the ATC headquarters at 304-535-6331 during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. The ATC offices are closed on most federal holidays, on the day after Thanksgiving, and on December 24.
Where to submit completed incident forms:
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 304-535-2667
Mail: Incident, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, P.O. Box 807, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425